3 Easy Ways You Can Be Eco-Friendly Right Now

Most Americans are aware that climate change is a real issue, and most want to do their part to be a part of the solution rather than the problem. However, with so much information out there about what it means to be eco-friendly, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Below are three easy ways you can make a difference right away. 

Takeya Straw Water Bottle

Try bringing a reusable water bottle with you.

Everyone reading this has used a plastic water bottle at some point in their life, and more than likely in the past week! Plastic has become a convenience and a staple of our modern lives. In fact, several reports now say that globally, humans buy a million plastic bottles per minute and 91% of plastic is not recycled. This is an overwhelming challenge due to the fact that most plastic will take 400 years to naturally decompose.

By 2050 it’s estimated that the ocean will contain more weight in plastic than fish. We’ve all seen articles featuring sea creatures who have ingested plastic, but did you know humans are ingesting it too? A recent study by a Belgian University found that people who regularly eat seafood ingest up to 11,000 tiny pieces of plastic each year.

So, how can you help? Americans purchase about 50 billion plastic water bottles per year, the equivalent of 13 bottles per month for every person in the US. This means that you could save 156 plastic bottles annually by simply using a reusable water bottle. We recommend this insulated bottle featuring a straw lid.

LED lightbulbs

Purchase the right lightbulb.

The next time a bulb burns out, replace it with something eco-friendly, such as LED bulbs. These bulbs will last 15 times longer, use 90% less energy than an old-fashioned incandescent bulb, and save you up to $55 in electricity costs over its lifetime. And they only produce 10% of the amount of heat as normal lightbulbs so your home will stay cooler. Win, win right?

Here’s a tip; According to Elite Daily, LED bulbs give off a true to natural light that’s perfect for when you’re getting ready in the morning. Finally, remember to recycle your old and new bulbs! Home Depot and lots of other stores have recycling programs. You can also find information online about recycling best practices. We really liked this article which breaks down the best way to recycle each type of bulb in your home.

veggie burger

Skip meat one day a week.

OK hear me out. Skipping meat just one day a week can make a huge difference to the environment. That one harmless ¼ pound burger you had for dinner last night took 425 gallons of water to make. And to put that in perspective, the average American ate 222 pounds of beef in 2019, which is 75 more pounds than past generations.

Livestock contribute directly and indirectly to deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, greenhouse gases, global warming, desertification, erosion and human obesity.

In fact, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for a Livable Future reintroduced an awareness campaign dubbed "Meatless Monday" due to the health benefits of eating less meat!

So, try Meatless Monday, you’ll feel better and help the planet. There are great meat alternatives and the internet is full of fun recipes. We like this site, which has meals you can easily make at home.


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